
Group Yoga Testimonials

  • "Rachael's yoga was just what I needed. I found the way she presented her class was unhurried and had options for the less flexible. It was relaxing, yet invigorating. She is very knowledgeable about poses and her voice is lovely. Afterwards, I felt like my body had been stretched in a good way and my mind felt more peaceful. I thoroughly recommend her and her classes.”


  • "Even though I've been going to various yoga classes for over 15 years, Rachael still teaches me something new every lesson. I look forward to having some time just for me once a week, and I feel so stretched, toned and yet relaxed at the end of the class.“


  • "Rachael is a really calm and encouraging tutor, and she clearly has a very thorough knowledge of yoga. Every week we try something new or concentrate on a particular area of the body which keeps the sessions varied. The class sizes are small so each of us gets help with the correct posture or position. Rachael motivates me to improve, but she is never pushy and will suggest alternative ways of doing things for less experienced people. Also, the atmosphere in the class is very relaxed and friendly."


  • “Small group, big improvement…The small group aspect of Rachael's class has improved my range and ability to a much greater extent than the large classes I go to at my gym. We are encouraged to ask a question if we're not sure about a position, which I find very helpful. I have also noticed the subtle difference between being in the correct position and holding that position for a number of minutes, it's harder but I am feeling the benefits to my body, in terms of the ease of movement I experience in everyday life.”


  • “Great yoga teacher…As an ex-dancer with a lot of injuries, I have always found yoga incredibly challenging. Rachael has been extremely accommodating with me, taking the time to both explain the various poses and help me make adjustments to suit my physical limitations. She is a really friendly teacher with a lovely energy and I have very much enjoyed her classes, as well as finding them beneficial.”


  • "I was quite new to yoga when I first attended Rachael's classes. The sessions are very relaxed; there's a strong emphasis on finding correct form and alignment but its never competitive. Variations are offered for more advanced students so its always challenging. Her kind and sensitive instruction definitely set me up for lifelong practice."


  • “Friendly and calm…I have been practising yoga with Rachael for about a year now having journeyed through Ashtanga, pregnancy and hatha yoga over the last 15 years. I thoroughly enjoy her classes. The small group sessions that she runs are always friendly and relaxed whilst still providing a challenge physically. She really has a talent for working with each individuals abilities and needs within the class and gently encourages adjustments to suit each person. Each class is planned to have a theme which means that no two classes are identical, and I have learned so much working with her. I always leave the class relaxed and uplifted and ready to enjoy the day ahead. She is a talented teacher who clearly cares deeply about her work. I thoroughly recommend her classes.”


  • “I first met Rachael because my husband bought me a 6 week, one-to-one course with her for a present. It gave me a chance to learn how my own body works within the poses and then I joined her Yoga for Beginners Course. I thoroughly enjoyed the pace of the Beginners Course, along with an information booklet that followed each week. Rachael is brilliant at explaining the breathing which I find tricky along with describing how to be in a pose and what that is achieving, all of this is done without the feeling of being bombarded with information. I always feel completely relaxed and sleep well after my yoga class.”

    Jo H

  • "‘I have been seeing Rachael throughout my 2-year teaching training with the Yoga Academy. She has been enormously supportive and encouraging and has a lovely, calm presence which is exactly what you need when you feel like you’re swimming against the tide! I come out of our two-hour sessions feeling confident and capable again! I have also been to her classes and observed her classes; her detail and observation is like no other teacher I’ve come across. I would highly recommend her as a mentor if you are on the teacher training journey, as a 1:1 teacher and a must if you’ve never been to her classes."

    Rebecca (trainee yoga teacher)

  • "Rachael's class is unselfconsciously deep. The class progresses through the asanas with mindful breath and inward focus. It's a great way to relax and come into the present without being overly strenuous. Rachael sensitively notices each individual's ability and makes effortless and unobtrusive adjustments."


  • “A calm, gentle and skilful teacher…I have been to group classes with Rachael and had one to one sessions with her too. I found her to be a gentle but effective teacher. The lessons are skillfully adjusted for all levels of ability and Rachael helps you to work with your body's abilities. I found that the classes were the ideal balance between effort and relaxation, so when I finished a class I felt I had worked my body but never felt I had pushed it too hard. I always came away relaxed but energised. Rachael is very sensitive to each students particular needs and I felt very safe in her experienced, capable hands. I have no hesitation in recommending her as an excellent yoga teacher.”


  • "...a huge thank you for being such an amazing yoga teacher. I came away feeling restored from my currently demanding workload. And I had such a surge of energy. Amazing!"


  • "I started yoga with Rachael when on the mend from a couple of injuries. I was really impressed with how she was mindful to make minor changes to poses for me to accommodate these injuries. This really reassured me and I'm delighted to say that after only about 6 sessions, I already feel the benefits of regular yoga with Rachael and am dead keen to carry on. I highly recommend her."


  • "Rachael's yoga class is the highlight of my week. We all leave feeling invigorated and more supple. My core strength and posture have also improved and the feeling of well-being after the class is not to be underestimated. The classes are small and Rachael is excellent at giving personalised service. We all have areas that we are better or worse at, but there is no feeling of competition within the class. The tailored advice allows each person to progress at their own speed and to their own capabilities. I wish that I had discovered Rachael years ago!"


  • "Starting a day of training as a team with some yoga had such a positive impact on the rest of the day. Rachael led a short session that helped centre and relax people for the whole day."

    The Grace Eyre Foundation

  • "Rachael is an excellent yoga guide. In the sessions which I have attended, she uses relatively easy yoga positions but through personal feedback and focusing on small details of posture and breath she achieves deep effects. Her sessions are full of mindfulness and I carry her approach home with me each week. Highly recommended!"


  • "I have been practising yoga on and off for over 25 years and trained in Iyengar and Ashtanga yoga. I love Rachael's classes, for me they hit just the right point - plenty of core work and just the right level of difficulty. I love working on the breath with her and I usually feel just the right amount of challenge during a class. She is super friendly and very normal! I never feel intimidated. Very happy!"


  • “Rachael’s class is the highlight of my week as much as anything for the peace and mental space I find there. After a very short period of time I have experienced a marked improvement in problems that I have previously spent many visits to the osteopaths trying to get rid of. The class I attend is varied, professional, inclusive and above all very enjoyable. I wish I could go more often.”


  • "I started Rachael's yoga classes as a complete beginner. The small classes are wonderful, allowing you to go at your own pace, while receiving a great level of attention."


  • “Hen party yoga class…Thank you so much for the wonderful yoga session for my cousin’s hen party. It was perfect and we felt both zen and energised when we left and ready for the rest of the celebrations. It was wonderful for all abilities and you really catered for everyone’s injuries too. You really were a highlight of the whole weekend and the group had the best time. Thank you so much, or as we say in Wales - Diolch yn fawr!!”


  • "Corporate Team Building Yoga class…starting a day of training as a team with some yoga had such a positive impact on the rest of the day. Rachael led a short session that helped centre and relax people for the whole day."

    David, the Grace Eyre Foundation

  • "Rachael's restorative sessions are a real gift. Two hours of pure relaxation and a rare opportunity to really let the body and mind relax into gorgeous supported poses. Rachael's teaching is always wonderfully nourishing but I have found these sessions particularly valuable in providing support during the dark winter months. Pure bliss."


  • A million thank yous for yesterday’s restorative session. It was perfect. At the start I felt quite overwhelmed…but then something shifted and I was just able to surrender and my mind quietened in a way it hasn’t for ages and it was such an amazing feeling. You are so skilled at creating the most wonderfully nurturing and compassionate environment. I’m an absolute convert to the benefits of restorative yoga!


Testimonials from Private and One-to-one Yoga Classes and Mentoring

  • "Rachael is an excellent teacher. Her teaching style is supportive, gentle and very focused. I felt very safe. Her surroundings are just perfect. Quiet, calm with a beautiful outlook. I would thoroughly recommend her."


  • "One-to-one yoga with Rachael gave me the opportunity to slow down and examine my yoga practice. Rachael gently noticed areas that could be adjusted to make my practice more mindful. It was great to have the opportunity to attend a class tailored just for you."


  • “One-to-one yoga with Rachael is for me like a massage and a workout combined. Every session is carefully structured and each pose is adapted to my personal requirements. Through Rachael’s encouragement and hands-on guidance I have become much more flexible in a very short time and I really believe that it is down to my one-to-one sessions with Rachael that I have been able to return to yoga after a period of injury and feel safe and at ease when practising.”


  • "I was recommended to try yoga to manage anxiety. To start with I was a bit cynical about whether yoga would be effective for me because I find breathing in a relaxed manner quite difficult and am a bit uncoordinated! I’m also a person who doesn’t like to make mistakes, which makes learning and trying new things quite a challenge. However, I found Rachael to be a calm, peaceful, kind and supportive person and she seemed to immediately “get” what I needed from her sessions. Without any fuss she just got on with helping me at a pace I was able to manage. After just a few one-to-one sessions, I suddenly found myself breathing in a completely different way, using all of my lung capacity. And moreover, it felt relaxing and good. I was able to breathe properly for the first time in years using muscles I’d forgotten I had. I’m more aware of my body’s reaction to stress and can use the techniques I’ve been taught to physiologically calm myself down and stop myself entering a spiral of anxiety. "


  • "I feel as if I have learnt more in four private sessions with Rachael than all the yoga classes I have ever been to put together. She is a wonderful, calming and patient teacher and I have benefited enormously from our lessons."


  • "Rachael provides me with a safe space to do mindful and restorative yoga in a gentle, fun and authentic way. She’s helped me with breath work and self-soothing and enabled me to learn how to quieten the mind through connecting body and breath, and experience moments of stillness whilst making friends with my body again. Rachael is extremely knowledgeable, experienced, trustworthy and friendly and she tailors each class to what I need that day whilst ensuring a progressive sequence of learning. Thanks to her, I’ve been able to commit to doing yoga in a way I never have before, make it a priority and build it into my life bit by bit. "


  • "I came to Rachael for some extra tuition during my teacher training with the Yoga Academy. Rachael's clarity and intelligent approach to every aspect of yoga from lesson planning to teaching points have helped me enormously. Her enduring interest in yoga philosophy, anatomy and the asana practice meant our sessions were lively, informative and I consider to be key to my graduation earlier this year. I am very grateful to Rachael for her guidance through the teacher training process and would recommend her without hesitation as a tutor in any yoga studies."


  • "I was in weekly individual yoga tuition with Rachael for over a year. I am 69yrs old and I’d had very little contact with yoga before commencing with Rachael. I have a sedentary profession and I was aware of feeling increasingly stiff and inflexible. I found Rachael to be remarkably patient and encouraging. Her extensive knowledge and experience have been evident in her ability to adapt to my needs, so what we worked on was very much tailored to me as an individual. I was not expected to fit into a set model, nor was I made to feel I was failing at any time, quite the reverse. My yoga has developed now to a stage where I have internalised much of Rachael’s instruction, so I feel confident in carrying my practice forward."


  • “I recently had a one-to-one lesson with Rachael, having done a number of her classes over the years. I needed some suggestions for poses to do throughout the day whilst stuck at my desk. She provided some brilliant suggestions, allowing me realign from time sat hunched over a computer. It was an hour well spent, and gave me the confidence to incorporate yoga into my daily routine again. “


  • "I have been seeing Rachael throughout my 2-year teacher training with the Yoga Academy. She has been enormously supportive and encouraging and has a lovely, calm presence which is exactly what you need when you feel like you’re swimming against the tide! I come out of our two-hour sessions feeling confident and capable again! I have also been to her classes and observed her classes; her detail and observation is like no other teacher I’ve come across. I would highly recommend her as a mentor if you are on the teacher training journey, as a 1:1 teacher and a must if you’ve never been to her classes."


  • “My one-to-one lessons with Rachael have given me back something of myself that I think I lost a long time ago. Through just 8 sessions I have reconnected with my body and found that quiet space inside myself that allows me to disconnect from all the stresses of life and just allow myself to be still and focused whilst I carry out my practice. Rachael helped me to tailor a 30 minute practice geared to my specific problems with osteoarthritis and osteopenia. I feel that I am working towards better health in the future and the pain I was experiencing has reduced considerably since I started yoga with Rachael. Being in my late 50's I am really pleased to discover that I am still very flexible and feel that I will be able to maintain this in the long term if I continue to develop my yoga practice."


  • Having attended a number of Rachael's classes I knew her one-to-one sessions would be special. We are doing some very subtle but deep work. Her tailored teaching is very supportive and has allowed me the space to let go of some of the 'ego' of getting into the 'right' shape and to finally start to learn to listen to what my own body needs. Thank you.

    Ana C

Feedback from Yoga Fundamentals / Beginners Course

  • “The breathing techniques help me in my day-to-day when I feel I haven’t taken a breath. I feel confident to continue along my yoga path now. I loved beginning to flow through the movements and the end when we get to Savasana”

  • “Thanks for a great course. It was a really good foundation to help me start practicing at home and enjoy coming to more classes. I particularly enjoyed the breathing exercises”

  • “This is the second time I have done this course with Rachael and I would definitely recommend it! The pace is perfect with an easy week-to-week flow”

  • “I didn’t feel intimidated. Really nice pace and rhythm to the classes”

  • “I feel more relaxed and more supple; I can do the poses without having to look at others for guidance anymore; the stretching definitely helps my running”

  • “I enjoyed slowing down, trying to feel less racy, and improving my posture…Rachael is very good at explaining the need, background and impact of what we do in each class, which really helps…”

  • “I gained more confidence in using props and this helps in other classes…(I particularly enjoyed) learning breathing techniques and taking a gentler approach”

  • “I loved the feeling of escaping from busy working life; the course gave me self-awareness of breath and posture. It was good to feel like I was learning something and doing something for myself”

  • “I really appreciated the pace – a relaxing yet informative course that has reignited my love of yoga after not practicing for a year”

  • “I’m a total beginner and learning the basic principles and yoga positions gave me the confidence to join a drop-in class. I especially enjoyed the mix of both physical and meditative elements of the practice in each session and feeling so calm and relaxed afterwards”

  • “It was great to go over the yoga poses and sequences slowly – it really helped me to understand the moves and get the best out of them. It was also good for me to commit to a course”

  • “It was great to go over the basics; a relaxing yet challenging combination with poses adapted for each individual. I really enjoyed the emphasis on breathing and mindfulness”

  • “I found that the course has been hugely beneficial to my mental and physical health and has inspired me to continue practicing and learn more about yoga…a follow-up course would be fantastic!”

  • “I really appreciated being able to ask questions in a more relaxed environment. I definitely gained a better understanding of yoga and was able to better understand and practise the postures”

Yoga Retreat Testimonials

  • “My friend and I attended Rachael and Bettina’s ‘Yoga and Self-Enquiry Day Retreat’ in February.  It was really nourishing to spend a day focusing on myself and my wellbeing in a warm, peaceful and beautiful environment with a small group. Rachael and Bettina led the day with a combination of yoga, self-enquiry practices and meditations to remind you to come back to yourself. The homecooked soup, bread and cheeses were delicious too as well as other surprise treats! It was well worth the investment, I would recommend it and will definitely participate again.”

    Jo R

  • “Fantastic venue and food; perfect balance of yoga, journaling, discussion and guided meditation; loved the restorative yoga. The silent walk was quite strange but interesting to give it a go.”

  •  “The day retreat was absolute bliss, a whole day with lovely people, lovely food, a lovely atmosphere, and a chance to think about myself all day. I don't often do much just for me and felt incredibly indulgent when I booked it, however, afterwards I felt amazingly lighter and brighter and was ready to book the next one instantly. Everything was thought about in such precise detail, the two yoga sessions fitted nicely with the mindfulness exercises on paper. The lunch was a great chance to have a natter and was delicious. In the afternoon it was nice to get up and move around doing partner work as well.  I would recommend to anyone.”

    Jo H

  • “Highly recommended. The venue is perfect. Great teaching. Great company. Lovely lunch. I feel like I’ve been away from my day-to-day life for much longer than a day and leave with a sense of peace and joy.”

  • “So relaxing - better than a spa day…”

  • “I loved everything about the day - it was such a luxury to do so much yoga, it felt very restorative and so restful…I’m excited to incorporate some of the practices and ideas we discussed into my daily life.”

  • “I can honestly say there is nothing I would add to this, it was a fabulous day…perfect balance of yoga, meditation, silent walk and delicious lunch.”

  • A lovely opportunity to take some time out for movement, reflection, delicious food and relaxation in beautiful countryside. I love how thoughtfully the seasons and nature are incorporated into our practice and I find that the longer format and guided walk allows me to come away with a lovely deeper sense of reconnection that is more difficult to access in general classes.

    Ana C